
"Christmas, Christmas time is here"....and gone.

Holiday's have a way of sneaking up behind you. Without scaring or even giving you a hello, they slide right on by as that one rude family member who doesn't care to greet you at the family gathering.  This year has been the toughest so far (not spending the season with the usual family and friends), and continues to be as each day I am greeted by a new "family member" who wants to waltz by, grab what they need and ease on, sometimes without even looking me in the eyes.

I recently, as in last night, read this interesting article "Why Missionaries Can Never Go Home Again", and it struck several familiar chords I have felt my heart play this holiday season.
"Home" isn't home anymore, the states I mean. Where we are located isn't home either. It almost feels like Carrie Underwood's song "Temporary Home" when I think about it. No one here, nor there, really understands what we go through, think, pray about, or even mean when certain things come about. Sometimes it's like living in a snow globe, we're the only ones taking up occupancy with neighbors in their own little globes. We don't understand their lives, nor do they get ours. We are going through life to find where we belong not really realizing that this is all temporary. That anger you're feeling, the happiness, that job, these finances... all of it is temporary.

In our most recent ministry, living in middle GA, God reminded me every single day that it was temporary. I never once had that want/urge/ability to call that town, or church, home. I knew that our lives didn't stop there, especially not for a long time. Here isn't much different. I am able to give it a small label of "home", but I still know in my heart that this isn't the end. Now whether that means another country comes next, maybe another continent, the states, maybe this is where I die, or even if I am here when Jesus returns... I know that this is home for a little while. And I am okay with that!  A wise friend who has traveled pretty much everywhere told me once, "Home is where ever I am, whether that is the states, or a foreign country. I am home."  I love this mind set, especially over this holiday season when we're not even staying in our apartment that we pay rent for here (we're staying in another's place with more heat ;)), but we still feel completely at home.

I love that home can be anywhere you choose for it to be. We make up our home, just like God makes up His home in Heaven. He has prepared this beautiful place, just for us, to come and stay... FOREVER. I love that His home IS our final destination. Heaven isn't temporary. In Heaven we aren't longing to know where He will take us next. In Heaven we aren't having to constantly glue our faith to our chest in order to keep it as God takes us through the scary, dark places in life.

I know that this holiday season (Thanksgiving, Christmas) has come and gone in a blink of an eye, but as you enter the new year keep in mind that all of this is temporary. Heaven is forever. What you do today, tomorrow, next week, or even in the next 5 years holds no comparison for what God has waiting for you. Be careful to fill your days with those things that bring Him glory, not yourself.

In my Bible the following verses are titled, "The Heavenly Hope":
Hebrews 11: 13-16 NKJV
These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of them, embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. For those who say such things declare plainly that they seek a homeland. And truly if they had called to mind that country from which they had come out, they would have had opportunity to return. But now they desire a better, that is, a heavenly country. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them.

Because mostly of financial reasons, we were not able to put up and decorate a tree of our own, but we got to view and celebrate Christmas with a few other trees.

 The Christmas Tree at Manger Square in Bethlehem

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,


Living In The Present

Looking at the dates of my first three post I am long overdue for an update... However, via the post title, I have been living in the present.

Let me catch you up....

Since my last post conflict has still been at an even rate. When you're living in the present you just keep praying for Heaven to come. 

We had visitors come from the states, and my goodness was that needed. Being able to hear a south Ga accent, perfect English, and to share this experience and the experience they brought with such sweet, Godly, and encouraging Americans... I am ready for them to return!! While they visited I got asked to get a group of students to throw a skit together. That was a time of learning my priorities and of course, I was living in the present

God then took me through a quick lesson of trusting Him. And, well I guess you could say I am still in this phase, however, I completely trust Him. See, we came here with no set amount of support that would be coming in. We told those at home we were completely relying on God, AND WE WERE NOT KIDDING!!! But God has shown His favor over and over and over again!

Yet, there's only one problem, when you're living in the present, it's so easy to forget that it's God's presence... Not yours. So when you're just over a month late and pregnancy test are saying negative, and you're only option is going to a doctor... There is no time to jump out of the present and get scared because you have an equavilent of $4 in shekels. 

That's when you really know that you're living in the present....

God doesn't slow down when there is work to be done. Before this past month I was so caught up in making sure every little thing was documented and that people at home were reading and seeing the latest of my life, I forgot that God brought me here for more than the excitement of others living vicariously through me. I am on a mission, even if that means I am living in the present. 

Ephesians 1:4
For He chose us before creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love 

Isaiah 43:18-19 
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”

Matthew 6:31-34 
“So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (My favorite verse)

Soon I will start posting prayer requests of my students into my blogs so that any readers can do their part in the kingdom and lift their voices for those who don't know how. 
For now we ask that you pray for:
1) Us, and that God will continue to use us however He pleases. 
2) the 3cm ovarian cyst in my left ovary, praying that it passes with no complications and that I am NOT inheriting family issues. 
3) FINANCES, we are always in need of support. 
4) Us our families as the holidays approach . (This is a difficult time)
5) for our students and their families, the conflict hasn't stopped and that is tough and confusing. But, also the surrounding issues with refugees and hurtful things being said about Muslims. 


We Will Not Be Shaken

2 Thessalonians 3:5
Now may the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the patience of Christ.

I sit here, doing everything I have ever wanted. Sharing God's love and word, living on cloud 9 as God lets the blessings pour out of the Heavens. And then conflict hits. The same type of conflict we face in the states, but it's different when you are only a mile from it and walking is the norm of transportation. Do you think this shakes the nerve of those that Jesus calls? Of course it does! We are human. But as I write these words, the song that is playing as my team worships and prays for this city says, "We will not be shaken." We sing this and smile in agreement. Some are frustrated that others can't see what we see, what this conflict is really about.  Other's (like myself) are heart broken as lives are lost in innocence. As schools and businesses are shutting down to keep children safe and show respect, we gather. Because we are here for a purpose, a calling, and this is where we pick up our swords and fight the enemy. We are a small, powerful portion of God's army. 

"God, I pray that you begin to make Yourself real to this nation. Pour out Your spirit and make known to every ear that You are indeed WITH US. Father, this is Your land, where You won the victory, where You rose from the dead and also rose people from their dead. Where You heal, just like You do everywhere else. God, You are awesome, and Your love is victorious, full of grace and mercy. So Father I ask... Would You do it again? Would You die for us, again? Would You rise up in victory, again? God, would You make Yourself real, again?"

Zephaniah 3:5 NIV
“The Lord within her is righteous; he does no wrong. Morning by morning he dispenses his justice, and every new day he does not fail, yet the unrighteous know no shame.”

Psalm 34:4-5 NIV
“I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.”


One more step...

One more step up this hill... One more step to repairing relationships... One more step along these rocks... One more step into healing...

Today, me and some team members visited the Judeaen hills and hiked from Battir back to Beit Jala.  I do not recommend this after a morning before of hip workouts. 

As we walked the first trail it took everything I had not to give up. We were only 5 minutes in and that uphill climb was just terrible. I had to mentally keep myself from having a nervous break down (since I had previously been fighting a depression attack from the enemy this week). I couldn't breath, and because I couldn't breathe I couldn't talk. It was misery, but I pressed through and before long we made it to the first rest area. Thank God it became down hill from there! 

Cheesy as it may be, but Jesus never really promised that the hill would not be hard to climb. Those times when we are fighting every obstacle (rocks, uneven road, and slippery slopes), God is there cheering us on. "One more step...." To the next one, and then one more step to the one after that. Always keep moving, one foot in front of the other.

Through the middle of the trail when we all happen to split up. The three I was with asked about the issues of depression I had faced the previous week. This relationship repairing with my parents to has taken its toll on my emotions. And as I was talking one of them said, "I have a word for you. Jesus says, "one more step...." That hit home for me. Especially being on trail that seemed to not end.
That same team member asked if she could pray for me and of course I allowed her. So we walked and prayed (with our eyes open), inviting the Holy Spirit into that valley on that trail, and thanking God for His healing on my life. I wish I could explain the freeing of it! 

Finally, we reached the end of that last hill and I was ready to collapse. Thankfully, Jesus has perfect timing because here came our superintendents wife on her way back home. But, I made it!! One step at a time.

James 1:4
“Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

1 Corinthians 9:24-26
“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air.”

                            Going down hill.

Hills as far as the eye can see!



Light Switch

One month into what is so far the best adventure we have experienced, but knowing God, this isn't going to be the greatest.

I've heard the question, "How did you guys get here?" more times than I can count. In our sarcastic tones we answer, "By airplane, of course. You?" People aren't that fond of that. But, in all seriousness, we got here by the hem of Jesus' coat. I have been laughing a lot lately everytime God gives me another piece to the puzzle that our two lives together are making. The stream of events that have happened just set me in awe.

First, our marriage at 18 and 21, two kids with no idea what we were doing. Not sure if we do now 4 years later. 
Then came the first year and a half of youth ministry. The happiest, most joyful year we have ever endured. Next came the tough year. Moving 3 hours away from everything normal and balanced.  Friendships were made and regretted. Struggle with finances, jobs that caused stressed. You name it! Our youth kept us strong. Then the email came..."We would love to have you here in Beit Jala." Every thing began to make sense and we realized that, that year of ministry was a spring board to bigger things! And that's when it happened, the Light Switch. See, I had been praying for months about the mission field and had decided to surprise Phillip with some news and fundraising ideas for the following summer. But, that passion God had put on my heart wasn't for any delay. He said "GO", as clear as water. 
But I had also been praying for my spirit and that God would keep mending things together and repairing me. I was broken, and still some now. That's okay though, because we are made to be fixed and molded. Everyday we are made new.

However, this time when God fixed me, He added a fountain with a few fish. Because fish can't live without water, I constantly have to keep the fountain moving. That means, my bible is ALWAYS with me, my spirit is always wanting MORE. My ears are constantly listening. My mouth, it's shut until made to open. This isn't a normal me. I don't have a desire/motivation to randomly open my Bible and read it like a Facebook post. My heart and tongue aren't constantly praying without cease. There was a Light Switch, and it was for my fountain that is going 24/7, lighting up the busyness around me. It was an immediate change. 

2 Corinthians 5:17
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

My prayer while here is that God will constantly make Himself real to myself, Phillip, our friends, families, the people we are serving with, and also those looking in on our lives. 

I want to share a few of the blessings God has used to make Himself:
• plane tickets - using buddy passes from a lady we have never met
• that same lady received a promotion in her department at the airport after helping us
• my passport came in a week and half earlier and answered a prayer BIG TIME
• being on every flight together
• financial support hasn't been an issue just as I knew it wouldn't be
• our family relationships are on the mends
• family coming to/back to God
• families of friends are being repaired 
• God put a desire on my heart to teach, I was doing so within a week, and I make a fantastic teacher
• our rent, as well our landlord has been a blessing 
• relationships and friends made

I know that this isn't all of the blessings, just some I have written down. 

Romans 8:28 NKJV
“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”

A view from the roof of the elementary school. Beit Jala, West Bank