Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks.
Rejoice for everything. Rejoice when you are battling depression and social anxiety. Rejoice when you are getting news that you will need surgery. Rejoice even when you feel like a total failure as a teacher. Rejoice when your loved ones are suffering right in front of you. REJOICE. James 1:2
Pray without ceasing. Last year, when I first came across this scripture and read it in the context of be ready to go into battle with my sword (Bible) at my side and Jesus at all sides blocking off the enemy, I didn't know how hard it would be to live out those words. Pray without ceasing; pray when you don't even know what to say. Those moments when your brain is like a piece of A4 copying paper and you have no resources to make it say what you need it to. Or, when you are so numb to everything around you that you physically cannot make your mouth motion the words you want so badly to come out, and when you do try to speak, you find that your voice has retired too, leaving you croaking like a frog. Still, we are to pray without ceasing. How?!
Give thanks. Oh man. So God wants me to give thanks that I am having a difficult time? He wants me to thank Him for my loved ones suffering? He wants me to shout unto JOY in PRAYER and give THANKS that things just aren't going fantastic?! Or as my Jesus Calling devotional words it, "If you are serious about learning to pray continually, the best approach is to thank Me in every situation."
"Thank Me in every situation."
This time last year, I was having a conversation with students that Mrs. Jenn thanked God for everything all the time and was praying all of the time. Mrs. Jenn can barely name the color of the shirt she is wearing.
But to answer that question (He wants me to shout unto JOY in PRAYER and give THANKS that things just aren't going fantastic?!) ... Yeah, He does! Because He is the bread of life. He is the Beginner and Finisher of our faith. He tells our sufferings where to go and how long to be there. He is our Teacher, showing us His love in ways that He NEEDS to, not how we need Him to. He is our Father who gives us what we NEED, being the WONDERFUL Jehovah Jireh, providing for us in ways we didn't even know was necessary. God is a mystery but His surprises make it worth it all.
Tonight as I type these words, my mind is still processing my day and attempting to prepare itself for the week to come. I also have a verse from devotion sticking to me. I have read it several times and still can't get my brain to focus on the words ...
Romans 15:13
Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
He wants us to live in joy and peace. God doesn't give us unfortunate circumstances to make us stir and cause us grief. Excuse me while I be your typical Christian full of faith and wonder, but I am a firm believer "that everything happens for a reason". Again, I am full of faith AND wonder, so I do wonder what in the world God is doing, but I am also full of faith. The days that my wonder is getting hit by a whirlwind of doubt my faith automatically tells me that He is still holding the remote control and is aware of what is showing on my "screen," what is coming up on my "TV guide," and can tell when I have had enough and just need to be "turned off." (I have a thing for analogies, if you can't tell.)
One of our leaders uses a great reference from the Bible in all of His messages about salvation explaining that even the ole saint Apostle Paul rededicated his life to Christ every day. If he needed to, then I know I need to at least every five minutes ... I teach Bible to strong-willed fourth, fifth and sixth-graders.
So I challenge you to James 4:8
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
Please join us prayer for my upcoming surgery on December 2nd.