

Ephesians 3:20
Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, [according to the power that works in us.]

The power in me is a power of healing. It is the same power that has performed miracles (Talitha Cumi; Luke 8:49-56), raising the dead to life (Lazarus; John 11:38-44). It is the same power that has power to give us financial support out of thin air. It is the same power that makes this journey possible, when in shouldn't even be possible. If THAT power can do all of that, then it can heal a 3.13cm, ovarian, Chocolate cyst, named "Ursula". Jesus bore stripes for this very reason. What Satan might want to use as a weapon to steal my joy will actually be the thing that draws me nearer to God. I mean, I serve a Jesus that rose AND conquered the grave! That is power!!(Luke 24)

I don't know what any of you might be struggling with, but take a moment and remember all the MANY things God has brought you through. He is a God that is for us. (Jeremiah 1:8)

James 1:2-3
My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.

His word doesn't say IF we fall, it says when. We are always going to face trials, some may be simple, one day trials; others may go on for months. I love that His word says to have joy, not because God is keeping tallies on your emotions, but because He wants our faith to GROW.  Will it still grow if we let our trials put us in the dumps, yeah, maybe, but not efficiently, and not with the perseverance you will need for the next one.

In verse 4 it says, but let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.  Patience is a word and definition that I have not yet grasped as well as I would like to admit. However, it says let patience have its perfect work, because we all know that God's timing is perfect timing, and when it is His timing every thing is perfect and complete. It also says I will lack nothing. SO... when it's in God's timing it will be perfect, complete, and I will lack nothing.


Maybe you have asked God to help you be more patient, and for that, I applaud you, especially if you handled the test He gave you like a boss. You deserve a standing ovation. I have asked for patience more than once, twice.... about 20,000 times in my 22 years, and each time there is a ridiculous test ( because God likes to test, and then show you the lesson ). I fail that test, every. single. time. So I learned recently, and by myself, to ask for peace and acceptance of what He wants. It worked. I felt peace immediately about what the outcomes could be, and I accepted it........

John 14:27
Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

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