Last year we started this journey with excitement, hopeful of the outcome, and ready to take on whatever challenges God threw our way. Completely unaware of what God might actually do in our lives and how He would forever change our way of thinking, responding, reacting, or even speaking.
Before the 18 hour trip last summer we got some encouragement with those who cheered on our courageous faith and wanted to live vicariously through our journey, and then opposition from those who thought this was nonsense and didn't believe that God would rock our world. Let me note that it doesn't get easier.
August 2015 I was ready and constantly imagining the lives that we were going to be a part of. I had our city "mapped" out in our head, and with me not being a geography buff... at all... I imagined that everything was in walking in distance, and it is, if you walk for days. You know how everyone in the Bible walked for days and hours to get to their destinations. The Bible came alive before my eyes. I still get all giddy and dance a little when I read something and remember that I have been there!
In fact, two nights ago I was reading in 2 Kings where the woman of the sick boy traveled to meet with Elisha and she had to go up to Mount Carmel. I have stood on Mount Carmel and took a selfie with one of my best friends back on Spring Break. How crazy is that?!
Another awesome thing that I am falling in love with over and over is GROWTH. God has not yet ceased to have me grow. Now, we are all aware of growing pains and how uncomfortable they can be. However, imagine feeling this pain in the core of your insides and not truly understanding what part of you is experiencing this growth. Last year there was growth of all kinds! Physical from walking to all of the places and up and down all of the hills. There was emotional growth as I felt the spiritual warfare around me, as I slowly began missing people in the states, and as I personally processed things that God was doing in me. And then spiritually... the things that happened spiritually were still are WOWING. I am continuing to learn who I am in Christ, because my identity is found in HIM. I am continuing to at least try to understand what His purpose is for my life. The only problem with that is that God changes our purpose all of the time.
This year, however, God has already began working on me. He actually began doing things in growth before we came home for the summer. Over this summer, my growth in different places didn't stop either. God still did things and blessed, and He wowed, and He. Just. Did. Not. STOP! We enjoyed it, the travel, the flow of how God worked. Even losing a passport wallet, it was like it was supposed to happen because it flowed so well into the business that was already taking place. I find it funny how God acts that way, because we also got the passport and all that was needed before we departed from the states this summer.
Last year I came expecting so much and ready for all that God wanted to do, even though there were some painful times. God's work is SO awesome. This year I am praying for different things, expecting more things, and doing more things than last year. Because, once you see the things that God can do, why not expect even more and want more? Sure that means being hopeful and possibly having your feelings hurt when God doesn't do as you thought He should, but really, that just means that God is doing better than you thought He could. (Ephesians 3:20, seriously one of my most favorite scriptures)
My advice, pray in specific for things you want, expect things that could be out of your wildest dreams and ask God to work and make Himself real to you. I have no doubt that He will, but be ready to have your world turned upside down. You thinking I'm kidding, I'm not... You will find yourself singing the theme song to The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. He will turn your world upside.
Here goes year 2!!!
Colossians 1: 9-14
For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power; for all patience and long-suffering with joy; giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light. He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.
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